About Us

Susan Eaton
Co-Creator and Co-Director

Susan is Research Director at the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School. She has lectured about, studied and written about schooling, inequality, race and culture for more than two decades as a journalist, scholar and activist. She is author, most recently, of The Children in Room E4: American Education on Trial (Algonquin, 2007), a narrative book that interweaves the stories of a landmark contemporary civil rights case and an urban classroom in Hartford, Connecticut. In 2008, this book was one of three finalists for the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award. She is also author of The Other Boston Busing Story: What’s Won and Lost Across the Boundary Line (Yale, 2001), which explores the adult lives of African-Americans who’d participated in a voluntary, urban to suburban school desegregation program as children. With Gary Orfield, she is co-author of Dismantling Desegregation: The Quiet Reversal of Brown v. Board of Education (New Press, 1996). Her writing has appeared in numerous popular and scholarly publications, including The New York Times, The Boston Globe Sunday Magazine, The Nation, Virginia Quarterly Review, Harvard Law and Policy Review and Education Week. Susan has a doctorate in education from Harvard where she worked as a researcher and assistant director at the Project on School Desegregation. Previously, Susan was a staff reporter at daily newspapers in Massachusetts and Connecticut, where she won several awards for her writing about public education.
Susan oversees production of One Nation Indivisible’s written products, its multimedia and public presentations.

Gina Chirichigno
Co-Creator and Co-Director

A native of Denver, Colorado, Gina graduated from Hampshire College in Amherst, MA and Howard University School of Law in Washington, DC. Prior to law school, she worked as a Residential Instructor at the SEED Public Charter School of Washington, DC. She also interned for three years during law school at the Office of Human Rights for the City of Alexandria, VA here she handled employment discrimination claims. Her experiences at the Office of Human Rights formed the basis of her law journal comment, “Crying Wolf? What We Can Learn from ‘Misconceptions’ about Discrimination: A Transformational Approach to Anti-discrimination Law,” 49 How. L.J. 553 (2006). Shortly after becoming a licensed attorney in Massachusetts, Gina led the staff of Education Action, a small nonprofit spearheaded by author and activist Jonathan Kozol. Education Action assisted teachers, parents, students and organizers in becoming actively engaged in education reform. In June of 2008, she began coordinating the school and neighborhood integration efforts of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School (CHHIRJ) and four other national civil rights organizations. From 2010-2011, Gina was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at the Ohio State University. There, she was primarily involved with the Ford Secondary Education and Racial Justice Collaborative. This project engaged social justice and education practitioners, many of whom work directly with K-12 students of color, in the education policy development process. In addition to co-directing ONI, Gina is the Outreach Coordinator for the National Coalition on School Diversity.

Gina manages One Nation Indivisible’s website and database, and oversees the design of its print and video products. She is the principal organizer of One Nation Indivisible’s convenings.