Reception – Omaha, NE
“Starting Something Big: A Celebration of the Learning Community”
A One Nation Indivisible Friendraiser
The Magnolia Hotel
Omaha, NE
October 22, 2012 from 7-9pm
Join us for a networking reception in recognition of the 5th anniversary of the legislation that created Nebraska’s innovative regional education model, the Learning Community. This social event closes the first day of a two-day One Nation Indivisible “strategy session” that will bring educators and supporters from the nation’s other regional education models to Omaha to share strategies and to see the Learning Community up close. We will screen two One Nation Indivisible videos that capture the spirit and aspirations of the Learning Community.
With remarks by:
- Susan Eaton, Co-Director, One Nation Indivisible
- Robert Kim, Senior Counsel, United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
- Ted Stilwill, CEO, Learning Community of Douglas and Sarpy Counties
- Willie Barney, President and Facilitator, The Empowerment Network
- Keith Bigsby, Principal, Omaha Central High School
This event is free and open to the public. To RSVP, please email
This event is made possible through the generous support of the Ford Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. It was organized by One Nation Indivisible in collaboration with Dr. Jennifer Holme, assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin, who is engaged in a Ford-sponsored nationwide study of interdistrict school desegregation and regionalism. We wish to extend our thanks to Dr. Holme and her research partners, Dr. Kara Finnigan of University of Rochester, Myron Orfield of the University of Minnesota School of Law, and Dr. Sarah Diem at the University of Missouri. We are grateful, too, for the guidance of our colleagues in the Omaha region and the work they have done to shape this event.